WE WENT TO A 4-STAR RESORT FOR UNDER $100| Callaway Gardens

FTC: Special thank you to MAZDA for the complimentary vehicle loan

Spring/Summer is quickly approaching and it's time for some outdoor exploring! My family and I traveled quite a bit during my childhood. As we got older; conflicting schedules and growing careers makes it hard to coordinate full blown, extravagant vacations. Recently, we've been tapping more into day-trips and mini weekend vacations!

Today I'm giving you 3 tips to save money and explore on a tight budget. Our entire day trip cost us no more than $70 for two adults for the day including lunch.

SAVE MONEY ONLINE not at the door

Planning ahead can save both time and money for your vacation. Many attractions incentivize online ticket sales and planning to fast track lines at the door. We saved a few bucks by ordering our tickets online and gained a bonus coupon for a hotel stay during printing.

Great Fuel Economy will take you further for less (in the tank of course) 

Whether you're taking your personal vehicle or a rental (no wear and tear on your car) fuel economy is key to travel for less. Get more bang for your buck and less time at the pump. We're in the NEW 2018 Mazda CX-5 for this trip averaging a good 25-30 mpg. Not bad for a Crossover this size!

Picnic friendly attractions are Key!

You will get hungry. You will get thirsty. Attractions make most of their profit up-selling food and other necessities we often forget about. If you're on a budget and looking to save try out a picnic friendly attraction. Believe it or not, there are many parks that designate areas for picnics, outside food and family fun. Bring your own lunch and save. As always, be courteous and keep the grounds clean for us to continue to enjoy free of charge! 

There's so much in the world for us to see. We often limit ourselves to our daily commute, and forget to make time to explore the beauty around us. Take a day, a weekend, or a few hours to visit somewhere you've never been! xo

Car ReviewRayann