R.I.P Maya Angelou- True Definition of a Female Boss

Hey loves. Happy Wednesday.

If you're up to date with social media; I'm sure you've already heard the news. We've lost yet another legend. One of my greatest childhood role models. What's so magnificent about her passing is that we mourn her physical being but I feel like we haven't lost her completely. Maya was a legend and left her everlasting legacy to continue on for years and years to come. 

My last read from Maya Angelou

There's just something about a female boss that is so refreshing and inspiring. Maya was none other than a female boss. She was confident, humble, successful and ever so inspiring. I remember memorizing her poems during my childhood, following her every move. I wanted to know how she stayed so happy, how did she gain success, how did she remain humble? I wanted to know everything I could about her as a child. It truly breaks my heart to loose such a sweet woman; the closest thing to a grandmother that I never had. 

Her last tweet

One of the greatest lessons I've learned from her is to live life doing what you love to do, time is too precious to continue hiding your talents, fearing your dreams, and not believing in yourself. We are phenomenal women and we can accomplish anything we set our minds too.

Were you a fan of Maya? Whats the greatest lesson you've learned vicariously through her life?

Do what you love, Love what you do

xo Rayann