Purple Hair Color on Natural Hair

Hey dolls! Happy Sunday!

Surprise surprise; I colored my natural hair purple! No gloves, no additives, no processing time necessary. Did I mention no mixing bowl or applicator brush? Haha!

I've been wanting to play in some color for a long time now. You dolls know how much I love change. After my box color experience going honey blonde, I must say "I Rayann do not have time for the maintenance and responsibility of color treated natural hair". Weird coming from a natural hair care blogger right?

I absolutely loved my honey blonde all over color on my TWA but being a full time student, working a 9-5 and blogging/filming; the extra deep treatments, moisturizing and TLC my delicate tresses needed was just out of the picture. I neglected my hair and therefore suffered the consequences.

Today I decided to experiment with the technique often referred to as " hair chalking" or "hair shadowing". This technique is super easy and budget friendly; ideal for my dolls looking to play in color without the risk of damaging their hair.


Eye-shadow of your choice! Preferably your cracked high-end eye-shadows for the best color pay off.

I decided to play in some pinks and purples for a pop of color. Go big and bold or go home ehhh?!

I was definitely feeling a little frisky!

Simply rub the eye-shadow of your choice onto your index finger and smooth throughout your curls going with the natural growth pattern of the hair downward to eliminate unwanted frizz and tangles.

For the best pigment and color pay off simply start with a white base color and finish with the color of your choice. I found that by applying the base color my purple revealed itself so much brighter than the subtle look I achieved with it applied alone onto my dark hair.

I absolutely loved my results! For a minute I felt like a little mini Justine Skye with the cute little purple curly fro!

I'm not sure how long the colors will last but I'll definitely check in tomorrow with an update. So be sure to subscribe to the newsletter to be notified of tomorrows post!

Would you try hair chalking? If so; what color would you try? I would love to know!

Do what you love, Love what you do!

xo Rayann