3 Natural Hair Products you can Find in Your Kitchen

3 Natural Hair Products you can Find in Your Kitchen

Walking through the beauty supply aisles of major retail stores can be super overwhelming, time consuming and sometimes overpriced. Here are 3 natural hair products you can find right at home in your kitchen. Did you know some of the core ingredients found in your favorite deep treatments and moisturizers are sitting in your kitchen cabinets right now?

Coconut water: Great for promoting blood circulation which is the key factor to stimulating hair growth. Coconut water contains Anti fungal & anti bacterial properties amazing for hair masks, scalp massages and drinking water of course!

Olive Oil: Add amazing shine, moisture and softness to your curls. Olive oil is a great conditioning additive to add to your deep treatments, smooth split ends, hot oil treatments, LOC method and reduce dandruff flakes with scalp treatments.

Avocado: This delicious fruit is another great ingredient to add luster, prevent hair loss and promote hair growth for dry natural hair. Avocado is high in vitamins and protein which makes it a great protein treatment for lifeless hair. Mix it with your favorite conditioner or oil for a nourishing, smooth treatment. Your curls will thank you later!

Are you currently incorporating your household ingredients into your natural hair regimen? If so, share your discoveries below!